The following checklist is a self-administered, self-scored tool to assist you in determining your readiness for distance learning (online) course work.
To use the readiness checklist, simply answer "Yes" or "No" to each of the statements listed. (You may "click" the appropriate box with your computer mouse.) Be as honest with yourself as you can, and decide for yourself if distance learning is for you!
Now that you have completed the survey, scroll back and count the number of times you selected "Yes" and "No".
If you answered "Yes" to at least 80% of the statements (or 24 of the 30 points), then distance learning may be right for you!
If you answered "Yes" to fewer than 24 statements, rethink your reasons for wanting to enroll in distance learning courses. Decide now if you still feel comfortable with this style of instruction and if you feel capable of learning this way.